Thursday, May 29, 2008


One of the best memes I have encountered so far - Thankful Thursday. Most of the memes I participate in I post in my other blog. But this one's a bit personal so let me post my first entry for this meme here.

I have a lot to thank for for the past weeks. There may be things up in my head which need deep contemplation and quick decision. But because of the following, things do not bother me much. I am thankful for them actually.

* My family in the U.S. always send us a lot of things just because. Their packages just arrived. I am thankful for their generosity.

* My daughter's guitar lessons is doing great. Her instructor commends her for learning fast. :) Way to go, Trish!

* Going to church today, praying and eventually gaining enough confidence with the major decision I have to make.

* Finally I sat down and watched The Secret. I am almost done with the book but for some reason, I feel like I don't want to finish it. It feels like savoring a sumptuous meal, having a taste of it little by little to preserve it. I believe in the Law of Attraction. Watching this lifted up my spirits all the more.

* Spending time with my mommy friends last week. See post below how fun it is.

* The big projects my department spearheaded were launched finally and targets were met.

* Having a good laugh watching What Happens in Vegas. :D

* It rained hard this morning while I was still in bed. It gave me a good morning. I love rain, just enough of it. It soothes me.

* I thank God for the positive feeling I have in me now. Keeping the attitude of gratitude is doing wonders for me.

* A nice pampering at the salon this morning. I love the paint of my toe nails.

Simple things, big things, I am thankful for all the blessings.


  1. Welcome to thankful thursday, so happy that you joined us. Your thankful list was very nice. Be blessed.

  2. Welcome! Lovely post, it is a privilege to be able to go to church as often as possible. God bless you.

  3. I have The Secret dvd and I have watched some parts of it. Maganda.

  4. Wonderful shots! Reminds me of a poem, though I don't know who wrote it:

    Silver and Gold
    Make new friends, but keep the old;
    Those are silver, these are gold.
    New-made friendships, like new wine,
    Age will mellow and refine.
    Friendships that have stood the test-
    Time and change-are surely best;
    Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray;
    Friendship never knows decay.
    For 'mid old friends, tried and true,
    Once more we our youth renew.
    But old friends, alas! may die;
    New friends must their place supply.
    Cherish friendship in your breast-
    New is good, but old is best;
    Make new friends, but keep the old;
    Those are silver, these are gold.

  5. Great photos! Terrific memories for you. :)

  6. Wow, nice pics and good thing to share. I'm very bad about keeping in touch with others. I've been lucky however that my best friend from college and I stay in touch.

  7. DENISE, Thank you. This will be a habit I believe.

    SHARON, God bless you too. :)

    JULIE, The Secret reinforces what people should really be doing all along. It's not a secret after all.

    JC, I guess this is for another post but thank you for posting that poem.

    LESLIE, Thanks, this is I supposed for PH. :)

    LISS, It's really nice to have people we know from long ago whom we can always trust.
