Thursday, December 11, 2008

Twilight, the Movie

It's not outright bad. It's bearable. Maybe because I expected that cheesiness will be all over the movie and there is not going to be much visual excitement in terms of special effects or scenic landscape. Well, save for Robert Pattinson in some angles. I like his piercing eyes and his red lips and his stride, the way he carries his clothes.

I love the mushy dialogues too I must admit that, "and the lion fell in love with the lamb", "you are my life now", "I feel so protective of you", ad nauseam. :D One of my favorite scenes include their confrontation in the forest, "I know what you are", up to the scene that they were lying on the grass just looking at each other. Silly-sweet.

I have expected that this movie will all be teen romance and nothing more that's why I was not disappointed. Except again for the fight scene of Edward and's so could have been more suspenseful, something that will put me at the edge of my seat. But there's nothing like that.

The rest of the cast all look they are in high school except for Bella and Edward. With Edward it's understandable. Also, the Jacob Black character I supposed should come off as someone at least at par with Edward - but of a different beauty and appeal.

I have to say though that I like Bella Swan in the movie more than in the book. At least here she doesn't seem so needy and clinging but in fact she showed a strong character and quite straightforward with Edward. I like that. She's pretty and sensual.

Generally, I like the book better compared to how it turned out in its film version. After all the script was written in six weeks only. The movie is clearly for the fans and not for the curious. The virtue of chastity is a clear message which I am pleased about considering its target market. There are scenes that could have been made interesting - like the lovers' conversations - but they were all done in a slow MTV fashion, a montage.

Just watch, relax, don't think of anything but Edward and Bella and you just might enjoy the movie. :) I still go for Team Edward! :D


  1. Oh I agree. Although I was swept with the bandwagon and went "ga-ga for awhile with Twilight but now I actually cringe at the thought. Bella was clingy in the book and really clingy and desperate as the saga continues (I have read the 4 books).

    The books are always better however, the movie could have been better. And I agree, it was just like a montage of love scenes and if you haven't read the book yet, you would definitely not get the whole movie. Plus, I think the whole "vampire sparkles in the sun" is ridiculous!

  2. Z'RIZ, I hope New Moon will be better since they have ample time now for pre-prod. I hope the make-up will be better. I hope there won't be anymore awkward angle shots for Robert Pattinson. I'd still watch. :)
