Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Stars and Free Will

Mercury is in retrograde from January 11 to February 1. says it can alter perceptions of what is going on, and cause things to go haywire or be delayed. I know a lot who are a little under the weather, having slow response from some persons they need to hear from as soon as possible, indecision too is quite the trend in a few quarters I work with.

I am thinking maybe this planetary condition is affecting me already.

Maybe this happens to you too, once in a while. Even petty things have great annoying effects. I am generally patient. Not today. Emotions ran high.

I woke up at the wrong side of the bed. My thoughts were horrible. Getting off the bed, the humid temperature outside the room makes my temper shorter.

I was a mess in the kitchen this morning. I used the wrong ware. The pan cover fell on the floor which really ticks me off even on ordinary days. I just don't like how it startles me. Also I thought the food won't get cooked on time. I am working on a schedule here.

I tripped on the sidewalk. I recovered my balance immediately but still my foot was a little hurt plus the fact that it was a bit embarrassing. And my cell phone fell to the ground as I was getting out of the car.

The work I intended to start today did not get done. I was thinking maybe today is not the right time to begin with it. I decided to postpone it for tomorrow. Or was that just an excuse to procrastinate? But really my mind tells me to take a breather.

I feel so sleepy now. Maybe because of all the work and all the thinking I did. By the way, I went back to the gym today. I was at the gym for two consecutive days now. I do not normally do this, it's always alternate. So this means muscle aches here and there. Still I am thankful I proceeded. Working out gives me a good feeling which results to clearer thinking which makes me more rational.

There are things we bring upon ourselves. There is what we call free will. It's not always in the stars (or the planets). It is what we actually do which brings us retribution or reward.

See, I slept at around three in the morning because I want to witness a history in
my lifetime, the inauguration of Barack Obama. Having only three hours of sleep can make one flounder and commit some blunders. A quite simple equation.

Right now I just want to relax my mind. Read my book and have a good sleep. Tomorrow I will be attuned with myself as I always am. Looking forward to it. :)

1 comment:

  1. i smiled when i saw this entry. i read about mercury retro in czvs blog and my reaction was... hmmmmn. but then this happened.
