Saturday, January 15, 2011

Justin Bieber

See you on May 10, 2011, Justin Bieber. My daughter is a big fan of this boy.

We are so jeje I know. Haha.

I remember when I was in my early years in college I was a big fan of Duran Duran. But I was not able to watch any concert back then especially when I was my daughter's age. I got to see a local artist, Martin Nievera at the Don Bosco High School grounds when I was in high school I think. And that was about it. I tagged along with one of my cousins.

Though I love music, I am not fond of going to concerts. Money was a constraint too that time. I have other priorities and concerts are not one of them.

These days kids as young as my daughter, and even younger love going to concerts. It helps too that malls sponsor concerts for the C-List music bands. You just have to purchase a certain amount from their tenants to get free tickets or you have to be a member of the mall's club to get prime seats.

These bands are popular with tweens and teenagers alike. I remember watching Metro Station with my daughter about two years ago. I enjoyed observing my daughter and the kids her age dance to their music.

Things are different now. "You can't do this and that" just won't cut it. As a mom, I have to and I want to participate with my daughter's activities to make us closer, to help me understand her better and to be able to guide her as she grows up to be a fine young lady. And that includes getting to know her likes and dislikes even in music. Growing up with a tween going on her teens is one roller coaster ride. Generally I pray it will be one great joy ride.

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