Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I first read about Avatar a few months ago. Where? I forgot because I was not that interested at that time. I remember it was described as the film that will change the face of cinema forever. Big words. I did not click the link to watch the trailer because I was reading about This Is It.

I do watch science fiction because of the production design, the computer generated imagery but I have not been excited in any movie that belongs to that genre. To say the least I have no intention of watching Avatar in the big screen. I will just wait for the DVD copy.

Avatar was shown in the Philippines on the third week of December. I am not one to ride the bandwagon (in fact, oftentimes I find myself having a different opinion from the bandwagon). I have to see what I have to see. I was intrigued by how a lot of people gushed at how great the movie is. And how publicities regard Avatar as the movie that will revolutionize 3D film making and that movies will be divided into Before Avatar and After Avatar. I like that I have to admit. Advertising at its best and I allowed myself to be lured.

Oh well, if this is indeed a movie revolution, I should be a part of history and watch it together with my family.

I am glad we watched it, more than glad. My husband, who is a sci-fi enthusiast, loves the concept and the CGI. My daughter who is not patient with movies lasting more than it should (except maybe if it's a Disney movie) loves it. She was also engrossed with it just like me. I sat there at the movie theater not bracing myself for anything but I was hooked five minutes after the movie started.

James Cameron always has big movies which my husband all loves - The Abyss, Terminator 1 & 2, Aliens. I have watched them all too but my only favorite among his movies is Titanic.

Avatar is now included. Avatar, as it has been said, is about the greed and the imperialistic attitude we all possess which destroys our environment - the balance of life. The climate conference in Copenhagen was held a few days before the showing of the movie. Talk about timing.

Anyway, I have not watched Sigourney Weaver in a long time. It's good to see her in this movie. She's her usual fiery self.

Let me dwell more on the CGI. I love, love, love it!

The lush forest with all its giant trees and wild plants is just beautiful to see especially when the plants light up. Is this how the Garden of Eden looks? I wish this is how it is on earth. Imagine a place with floating mountains. Think about communing with nature, us, understanding what they need and want, and them, understanding what we need and want. And they all light up at night as we pass them by. Beautiful. Truly larger than life. Humongous.

I love how the Na'vis were created. They were designed beautifully. Tall, slender, blue skin, wide eyes, graceful, nice, well-kept dreadlocks. Spiritual.

Tell me what is the real set and what is CGI. You cannot really tell. It's seamless. The CGIs can actually act. It scares you sometimes they act better than the real actors. :)

The year in Avatar is 2154. Several light years away from Earth is a place where a mineral called Unobtainium can save our planet from losing its energy reserve. Will this ever happen? Who knows? But a sequel to Avatar will probably happen in the next years.


  1. Movie was simply great everyone must see it because..Sigourney Weaver, as the lead scientist, speaks sci-fi better than any other actress. There are also some beautiful vocal performances by CCH Pounder and Wes Studi as the leaders of a Pandora clan. You need to feel that heart, and they deliver.

  2. I find Sigourney Weaver great too.
