Saturday, June 6, 2009

Visual Merchandising

Visual merchandising is vital in the retail industry. As we know competition is stiff especially inside a huge department store where all sorts of marketing buzz are implemented by each tenant or concessionaire. Products (and services) of a company is best advertised inside a mall or the store itself on how they position items that will catch the public's attention. A plan-o-gram represents an ideal way to display but sometimes even this is a source of debate between the head office people and the front liners.

Am I encouraged to go inside, look and buy just because of an attractive display? I have to say yes if I am not in a hurry. Each of us is a potential customer. We might not buy right away but if a product gives a good impression after checking it, it just might find its way in our next purchase list (whether as a need or as a want).

An interesting article, The Way the Brain Buys, tells us the science and psychology of shopping.
People tell market researchers and “focus groups” that they make rational decisions about what to buy, considering things like price, selection or convenience. But subconscious forces, involving emotion and memories, are clearly also at work.

Here's the facade of our favorite apparel store for pre-teen girls, Orange Juice. It has an eye-catching display of the latest styles of clothes for little ladies - a feast to the eyes of mommies and their tweenies. A lot of my daughter's clothes from OJ still look good after a year or so. I call that value for money. Now I just posted a free advertising. :)

My daughter paired the top and bottom and asked the associate to display it. I like the white bottom actually.

One of my daughter's activities last May was to be a part of Club OJ's summer project. I'll be sharing more about this fun and fruitful summer activity of my daughter in my weekend post.

***More about "advertisement" at Photohunt.


  1. Aloha!
    Never heard of OJ clothing store--so I've learned something new. Nice photos.

    Happy photohunting!
    Cindy O
    Stop by!

  2. Neat looking place! And girls' clothes can be very expensive, so it's good they last for more than one season!

    My ”Advertisement” entry is up, too - Hope you can stop by!

  3. we haven't bought anything from OJ yet, it is a bit expensive for us :D

  4. We don't have an OJ here in Holland. Looks like a modern store for younger or at least slim people. Won't make me fit! Still love seeing these kind of facades. How nice of the associate to display your daughter's choice. She has good taste!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. What a great store for girls. :)

    Have a good weekend. :)

  6. value for money.. that is what i have in mind these days.

  7. my girls would have loved that store! it was always so much fun shopping for little girls. nice job.

  8. I love window shopping, and seeing how the various clothing is displayed. Nice take on this week's theme. Your daughter did a wonderful job with her outfit.

  9. *sigh* i remember when i was still skinny enough to fit in their clothes.....haaaaaayyyyy.....

    mine's up here

  10. Oh nice outfit and your daughter is cute. Mine is up too. Happy weekend.

  11. Different strokes for different folks -- those clothes look good... for and on others but my tastes run towards the less girly!

  12. how even the young have fallen to the lure of advertisers. haha.

  13. I'd love to visit that store! lovely shots :)

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