My daughter stopped in the middle of her internet privilege (which is about two to three hours every weekend, spread throughout the day). She turned to me while I am reading my emails on my laptop and said excitedly Joe Jonas (of The Jonas Brothers) is talking to them at Meez.
I looked her straight on the face and asked her what did I tell her about the world wide web.
"Good point, mom. He's a busy man. He has no time to play. It couldn't be him." She left Meez Nation and just continued doing her avatar.
Now my turn to bug her. I told her I am "friends" with Paulo Coelho (a celebrated author of several books) through our Plurk.
My daughter, teasing me, asked, "how'd you know he's the real Paulo Coelho?"
I was caught by surprise with her reply. "No, he's for real."
She asked, "how'd you know he's not fake?"
I told her the profile has a link to his blog and the blog links to his official site.
She was still teasing me and said, "anybody can make a site, mom."
I pointed out to her what makes a valid site and certifies its real owner. "This contains all his works, even e-books and where he can be contacted, videos showing his interviews....."
In a matter of fact voice, she told me to be careful. "You wouldn't know."
And she left, went back to the PC, seemingly unconvinced.
What does this particular situation tells me? It tells me we exchanged roles for a while there. Kidding aside.....
1. My daughter and I have a great bond that she shares with me even the littlest excitement she feels and the same thing goes for me.
2. She listens well, learns fast and applies lessons earned quickly. Wise thinking for the little lady.
3. Of course he is the real Paulo Coelho but I can't stop grinning. My daughter's reply got me. Well, it happens even to the best mommies.
I am thankful my daughter is growing up a beautiful, smart, active lady, sometimes moody and silly but loving and sweet in her own way.