Saturday, October 8, 2011

Talking About Hobbies

As part of my hobbies I was supposed to share getting fit, going to the gym and browsing/preparing for more healthy foods for our menu. But I don't think they fit into a hobby. Hobby, as defined by, is "an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation". Health and wellness are my main preoccupation for almost three years now - a way of life.

So to make it simpler, let me share with you one of my passions which I have not outgrown - reading books. One thing that makes reading pleasurable for me is because I can have time for it even in an activity-packed day. It serves as my relaxation. I usually read at night until I fall asleep.

I have several favorite books which I read back, at least my favorite parts. Randomly, these are the books on top of my mind when I am asked what my favorites are:

1. Harumi Murakami's The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
2. J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye
3. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince
4. Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower
5. Ken Follet's The Pillars of the Earth (This has already been made into a mini-series by HBO. I can't wait to watch it.)
6. Douglas Coupland's Generation X
7. Patrick Suskind's Perfume (But I have not watched the movie yet.)

I also have a lot of inspirational books both spiritual and about leadership. I used to buy a lot of books which delves into esoteric, astrology, meditation, about the earth and space.

When I was about 13 years old, I bought my first book on space - about the black hole. This I clearly remember. I bought a book about meditation, maybe when I was about 10 years old, and when I handed it to the sales lady, she was dumbfounded. Like, "huh, you read this? You should be reading Archie" (which I do read by the way).

My favorite writer is Mr. Haruki Murakami. His writing is quite convoluted - in a good way - it keeps you enthralled and makes you ask yourself what is next, how come, where to. You need to have a lot of imagination...and patience...but you will be surprised you will be wanting more of his words page after page after page. His writing was described as humorous and surreal. I love the way he composes his words like they just flow and you get caught up with the way he creates his characters, wistful.

I used to cover my books with plastic cover but I don't do that now. A little more trivia with my books...
*I highlight every passage or quote I love.
*I keep the price tag. I am amazed at how books gets so expensive through the years.

There are some books I did not buy but read them online, thanks to I read all the Twilight series through a link provided by Mo Twister in his blog years ago. I also read Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol thanks to the zipped file sent to me by my good friend, Julie. I have searched for Eat, Pray, Love and The Art of War in scribd. But these two I will buy. Yes, I have not read EPL yet. Haha.

Happy weekend. It's a rainy Saturday morning - great for a coffee and a good book.

More Mommy Moments at The Mommy Journey.


  1. I enjoyed reading your post mainly because you were talking about books and reading. It's great that you mentioned useful info and provided links. I'll go check one out. Thanks for dropping by my nook.

  2. We do have favorite books in common...Murakami for one is a favorite of mine...I found EPL in a bazaar on my way home two weeks ago :D reason why I love bazaars esp when the books are not available on bookstores and amazon...

  3. Whoa! lots of books. Haven't read some of them but thanks for sharing. I might grab some of the books you mentioned when I go visit the bookstore one of these days.
    Was here from my MM entry. Happy Weekend!

  4. Keeping the price tag of books, hmmm, that's interesting! I love reading, too, but since my son is still young and requires much attention from me, I don't get to do the things I like doing. LOL! Thanks for visiting my MM entry!

  5. i also keep the tag of the books..but motherhood taught me how to be frugal,I normally got my books on sale or if I have spare time, I look for books for second hand bookstores like Booksale..

    bloghopping from MM...please check out the other side of this mom

  6. so glad to meet so many moms who loves books :D i havent read the books you mentioned. i think im lost in a different Genre! :D

    nice to know more about you this week! :)

  7. I love reading books as well.Sadly,I have many books that is now sitting in a storage back in US, and all my books here will go to donation because we have to leave soon. :(

  8. Isn't reading one of the commonalities among us, women? And moms for that matter? :) Thanks for dropping by mine! Really appreciate it! :)
