Sunday, February 3, 2008

Reviewing with the Princess

My daughter's mastery test is scheduled next week. A day before the first day of her school examination is my scheduled vacation leave from work. It has always been that way for a year now. The first day is where most of the hardest subjects are scheduled. Andrea is very good in languages and in science. She needs enhancement in numbers that's why we take longer time going over her Math lessons.

I have always been an independent student since grade school. My mother often gets surprised I have done all my home work and they are all correct when she checks them. I see that on my daughter too. But comparing the subjects and the subject content when I was still in grade school versus the present time, my daughter's time, it's a whole new ballgame.

At third grade they already have an introduction of geometry (at least identifying angles and geometrical shapes) and metric conversion. The hubby usually takes on the Math lessons but well one good thing when my daughter and I review together is I get to refresh my knowledge of basic Math. I do a lot of investment analysis and profit and loss statements but I seemed to have forgotten about angles and stuff. Stuff...who needs them?? Haha. Okay, there are engineers and space planners. I checked with my husband since we belong to the same batch, we had our conversion system during our fifth grade.

The times, they area a-changin', that's what Bob Dylan says. It's a more competitive world out there in this day and age. Hence give the kids all the necessary bullets they are going to need to battle it out in the big world. Whew!

I am a geeky mother but I try to manage myself. I don't want to put so much pressure on Andrea when it comes to reviewing. As the saying goes, different strokes for different folks. The more I let loose when we review her lessons, the more she gets interested and the more she gets to appreciate our time reviewing. It helped too that she is in Kumon. Her appreciation of numbers is suddenly evident.

I don't know the best way but so far the Princess and I are doing good in our study styles. I leave her alone when she does the usual school work and check them only after she's done with them. We review together if there is a need to do so. So far, mother and daughter are at peace maintaining these study habits. :)

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