Tuesday, June 5, 2007

It's 2AM

I'm halfway through my Life Book, a paper for my Leadership class. Since there is no format and this is about my life, it's not really hard to do. The thing is it will be hard to stop once you get started on a certain chapter.

It's 2am. I need something to keep me awake. I'm too lazy at this point to get me some coffee. Let me just run down here some random thoughts that excites me to keep me awake.

LE CHING!!!! There is Le Ching at Trinoma! I am so happy about this. I don't know if I have just been hiding under a rock all this time but there is only one Le Ching I know, the one in Greenhills. Why am I so happy about this? I live near the mall and Le Ching's beef brisket is one of the foods I sorely miss.

Must watch this, Transformer the Movie. I only watched Voltes V and Mazinger Z when I was a child. I did not fancy much of the other robot-filled cartoons so I am not sure if this Transformer is any good. My husband is raving about the trailer and he let me watch it. I'd say it looks pretty exciting. The trailer at the official site is a lot longer and better. 747, That's the date of the premiere showing.


While waiting for hubby this afternoon, my daughter Andz and I had some snack at Figaro. As usual, I had a photo-op. My daughter is so used to me doing this camera-clicking wherever, whenever. Looking at her picture after I've downloaded it from my camera, I told myself, "My, my. She's not a baby anymore. She seems all grown up". Time flies so fast. My baby is a big, big girl now. At this moment, I just want to sleep beside my big little girl.

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