Saturday, March 24, 2007

Friday's Feast No. 3

Who is your favorite news anchor/reporter? Why?

Larry King because he is credible. I can feel his sincerity whoever he is interviewing. Anderson Cooper for his intelligence. Rob Marciano simply because he looks good. Is Ryan Seacrest qualified here? :)

On the local scene, Angelo Castro looks dignified. I like his accent. But he seems detached with the news he is delivering. I don't think I really like any reporter or anchor from any networks here. Documentarists/magazine show hosts interest me more - Howie Severino, Abner Mercado and his partner during the first few years of The Correspondents whose name escapes me now, and Atom Araullo. Atom? Yes, the 5 and Up kid who is all grown up now. He's a good role model. The other guys, they are all passionate being broadcast journalists.

Okay, I'll stop. I overdid this. :)

Name 3 foods that are currently in your freezer.

Fish (tilapia), ground pork, shrimp.

If you were to have the opportunity to name a new town or city, what would you call it?

Utopia maybe.

Main Course
What will most likely be the next book you read?

Unread Books

Me, Talk Pretty One Day, I bought this a long time ago but have been bumped off by all the Murakami books I bought. Before Da Vinci Code, there's already Holy Blood, Holy Grail. My husband read this years ago, I haven't yet. The next five books are gifts from friends which I have browsed on but not actually read. Their time will come. :) From the line-up, Blink by Malcolm Gladwell will come first.

What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?

Aside from the face, it's the general personality - the way he speaks and how he carries himself.

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