Monday, November 10, 2008

How Does One Pursue Peace?

That is the question GreenBucks posted for us.

What a timely question. I'm not only speaking of world peace as we know it but inner peace. My inner peace was challenged in a way during the past days. I have been reading quite a number of books lately. Two of them were authored by a spiritual leader as maybe the media has called him. I first heard of Eckart Tolle from a friend who was frantically waiting for her Amazon delivery of A New Earth. I got all the more interested when I saw it in Oprah's web page with the line, "Life is the dancer and you are the dance". Wow, I like that. I must have the book. I get a natural high reading inspirational books. I bought not only A New Earth but also his first best seller, The Power of Now. I told myself I could understand A New Earth better if I read where it started.

Somewhere along the way something bothered me with all the readings I am doing. It's as if there is a clutter of thoughts on my mind. It doesn't feel good. It confused me. Have I taken it too seriously? I was comparing the idea presented with The Secret, a book which really motivated me. In fact, it has become a part of my everyday life. I got all confused.

One morning I decided not to be confused as there is only one teaching that I have to fully subscribe and believe in. I have not forgotten. God's words. I got my Bible, the Bible I bought years ago and read them. If I make time reading all the other books, why don't I give time reading my Bible? I read a number of passages. I prayed that my mind and my heart will be clear. I need not rely on anything as God's help have always been present in my life and in my family's. I should only look back with all the help He had given us and look forward to more blessings. True enough, my mind was cleared and I have experienced peace in my heart. I recognize the daily blessings that are given to me and my family. In fact, there are unexpected blessings coming my way. I couldn't be happier. I am grateful.

Praying to God, having a quiet time with Him, that is how I pursue peace in my life.


  1. Believing in God, His power and blessings can help lead us towards the right path and give us the peace we need. Thanks for sharing this post.

  2. RACHEL, Prayer works wonders, lots of wonders. I'm at my best whenever I say a little prayer. :)

  3. I just wanted to comment that if you were motivated by "The Secret" then, in my opinion, you would find Eckhart Tolle's books created confusion and conflicting ideas for you. I think his teachings are of a higher order than "The Secret" which, again, just my opinion, panders a bit to ego and materialism, though there is some common ground with Tolle.

    Prayer is my touchstone, too, as I was brought up as a Christian and that is my foundation. Tolle's interpretation of some of Jesus' teachings really resonate with me, but I know other devoted Christians really dislike his take on the Bible.

  4. MARKLEE, I've to agree w/ you that The Secret and Tolle's teachings have some common ground. He really confused me though as I've said. But I know where I stand now. I can continue reading his books because what I believe in is rock solid as I've realized it. It can't be taken away from me. My consciousness will shift through God's guidance. :)
